Alaska Synod

NW Washington Synod

SW Washington Synod

Northwest Intermountain Synod

Oregon Synod

Montana Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Region 1
Region 1 Financial Services Office
The Region 1 financial services office provides accounting and 
bookkeeping services for the six synods and synod ministries of 
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Region 1.
NW Washington
SW Washington,
Northwest Intermountain

ELCA Region 1's six synods have a history of cooperative ministry,
inter-Lutheran cooperation and ecumenical vision. The ministries
of these synods embody a wide variety of cultures, geographic
settings and rich traditions including:

- Rural and small-town congregations
- Transformational and emergent congregations
- Misson Developments
- Multiple congregation parishes

Ministries shared by the synods include:

- Lutheran Community Services - Northwest
- Consultation to Clergy (with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod)
- First Call Theological Education
- Shared Mobility Consultations
- Lutheran Counseling Network